Wabi Sabi style

crédits : Le Journal de la Maison

In magazines or on Pinterest, it's surely not escaped your notice: Japanese Wabi Sabi style is here to stay.

Wabi Sabi is a Japanese aesthetic philosophy. It's based on simplicity, nature and the beauty of imperfection and all that it can represent. Applied to interior design, Wabi Sabi involves integrating natural elements and highlighting the beauty of timeworn or aged objects.

Wabi Sabi style decoration often features simple, unadorned pieces made from raw materials. Materials include wood, stone and clay. This approach to decorating values the authenticity of materials and celebrates the way they age and change over time, rather than seeking to preserve them in their original state.

In Wabi Sabi decoration, imperfections are considered part of an object's beauty.For example, a cracked vase will bear the marks of the passage of time, symbolizing the fragility of life, and will therefore be considered even more beautiful than an intact vase.

Overall, Wabi Sabi decoration is about finding a form of aestheticism in simplicity, imperfection and nature. It encourages a more attentive, even philosophical approach to decorating.We appreciate the beauty of things as they are, rather than striving for perfection or excess.

At Yne Studio, we draw inspiration from our travels and the cultures we've been lucky enough to discover. We apply this Wabi Sabi philosophy to the design of our spaces. We create uncluttered interiors using natural materials such as wood, whose raw appearance we like to preserve. It's also through this prism that we take into account pre-existing spaces, in order to preserve their essence as much as possible and give a soul to the spaces we work on.


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